


Music Style

Commerce versus art; capital greed or creative freedom; the cathedral and the bazaar...inspired as much by philosophy as the need to make a very loud noise, Jackal+Wolf are not your run-of-the-mill rock band out looking for kicks, chicks and the migh... Read More


  • The Party

    The Cathedral & The Bazaar

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COMEG are an original Rock band from SW England COMEG are Coemgen Savage - Vocals Roger Pearson - Guitar Spencer Jones - Bass David Cartwright - Drums COMEG's recording career began in 2002 in a basement in Devon on a basic home studio. Th...


The story begins with two brothers, Daniel and Jonathan. These brothers loved adventure and all things strange, wonderful, and cool. So when they learned of a mechanized utopia across the sea, they purposed in their hearts to someday travel there. La...

Voodoo Brother

"INTENTIONS OF VALUE" The New Album Coming SoonFollow on Twitter @voodoobrother@VBVox- Vocals - Jay Monaco@lavenderjim Guitar - Joe Campo@cbriscar Bass - Curt Briscar@AtomicFlam Drums - Dave DoyleHere is a link to our debut CD for free.http://bit.ly/...