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In a world that is ever changing at an increasingly rate of pace it is ever so more important to take the time to step back and observe exactly our position in the big picture. So I ask those who feel this way to take the time to listen with the mind... Read More
Upcoming Shows
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CalmBeforeTheStorm -
CommitIkonicBeatsPromotionalDe -
DamnBoyFreestyleKLoveDemo -
DeafEarDemoStarBeatsDemoTrack -
EachNEveryDay -
GodSpeedSinimaBeatsDemo -
GodSpeedSinimaBeatsDemo -
GunSlingingLeadSinimaBeat -
HostileVTZCimmiCSYMSOfficialDe -
InThisLineFSSuperStarDemo -
Meant 2 B -
The window BlindEntDemo -
Trapped -
UnbornStarEMotionalDemo -
Broken Dreams Unrelease
ExcuseMe Unrelease
StepItUpIntro Unrelease
YourMyEverything Unreleased Soundtrick Promotional Demo
TheAbyssVinayDemo Unreleased Vinay Promotional Demo
HeadShok UnreleasedCimmiCSYMSOfficialTracks
IfYouCouldDLUXDemoTrack UnreleasedCimmiCSYMSOfficialTracks
Related Independent Artist
Phillip Foxley
Phillip Foxley is a multi-genre songwriter & guitarist writing and producing Blues, Rock, Punk and Piano and Acoustic music from his home studio in Conwy, North Wales UK.
There’s a lot of variety in our music: it can be fast, slow, quiet, loud, simple, complicated, acoustic, heavy, instrumental, not instrumental, etc., and we're proud of not fitting any particular category, as a result. If variety is the spice of life...