Junior Ratedare straight out of Cincinnati, Ohio from the neighborhoods of Bondhill (Wann), Skyline (Breez), and Mt. Healthy (Dae Dae). This talented group consists of 3 hard working individuals: Wann, Breez and Dae Dae. Each of us have had certain people that influenced us on our career. Wann’s influence on his career was Gutta man. Gutta man was a local artist that Wann grew up with. Gutta man showed Wann how to use different vocabulary, how to switch up rhyme schemes but staying with the flow of the song, how to be more lyrical, how to increase the punch lines in a verse, how to put a verse into "bars", how to be an engineer, how to produce, and how to become the rapper he wanted to be. Breez’s influence on his career was his older brother roach. Breez always thought it was fun to rap because his brother was so energetic with his lyrics. So Breez picked up a pencil and notebook and now he is here. Dae Dae was influenced by many people that are in the music industry. In his family, music is one of the careers you can take on, so he decided to follow in his family's career. All we do is have fun, in the studio, at our showcases, at school, at the mall, at a restaurant, anywhere. We clown, all day and every day. We are trying to be more business minded but we are still young so we want to have fun while we can because if we actually get signed to a record label, which we hope will happen, play time might not be as much. From performing at clubs, parties, concerts, shows, etc. J.R. Swagg Boyz always are on their grind, promoting their selves with many different websites, passing out cd’s, flyers, business cards, etc. We gave ourselves the name J.R. Swagg because we were sophomores going into our junior year of high school. We were always underrated when it came to our talent so that is wat J.R. Swagg stands for: Junior Rated Swagg. J.R. Swagg’s first debut was with their mixtape “Mission for a Million” which was hosted by DJ Drama Boi. Their second debut was when they performed at The Dream Is Real Memorial Day Weekend 2010 at Coney Island. At this performance they met new upcoming group, Travis Porter. We would describe ourselves in a phrase we always say which is J.R. Swaggin. Our plan/goal is to promote ourselves more than any rapper ever has, hopefully sign a record deal with a major record label like universal, and to perform at Madison Square Garden while we are teenagers. I know every artist dream is to do this same goal but when you our age, it feels like the sky is the limit. we are determined to be in this music industry, we are determined to perform at Madison Square Garden, we are determined to promote ourselves more than any artist and we are determined to be the only thing we know how to be which is J.R. Swagg. J.R. Swagg’s first actual hit is called We Goin’ Off (Calabunga) and ever since that day in the studio they felt that it is time to show the world what they are made of. So stay tuned to see the future of the music industry. Dear world, prepare to be amazed.